Believe me, the most common concern or issue in this week is your skin especially having Striae gravidarum or what we call “Stretch Marks.” Why? Because women fear of having this. Research tells that 60-90% of pregnant mothers will have this during the course of their pregnancy. These marks will appear pinkish on fair skinned ladies while appear to be lighter than the skin that surrounds the stretch mark for dark skinned women. The part where these will occur the most will be on your lower abdomen as well as your buttocks, arms, and thighs. Anyway, you wont have to worry because these marks will eventually fade after you deliver your baby and will soon have the appearance like silver linings. Other concerns will be the excessive sweating and growth of hair in different areas in the body.
In this week, your food cravings will be intense. You might be surprised that you suddenly love to eat guava in rice when before you think of it as a junk. You're starving for peanut butter when you really hate it the time when you're not yet pregnant. And the foods you really love to eat before wont pass your taste now, this is called Food Aversion. The funny part here is when your husband get to run on markets even at midnight or malls with just plain shirt, bathrobe or slippers just to buy your unusual cravings for food. Your morning sickness gets worse so you need to limit your food intake, Have enough rest and sleep during daytime, Eat some salty chips for it will be a satisfaction during pregnancy and this will help increase the volume of your blood. Part of this Aversion is your increased sense of smell. You'll avoid those foods having strong odors like onion and garlic, while foods having less odors make it your new mouth watering favorite and cravings.
At this week, your baby's weight is less that 500 mg and nearly 1 inch in length, about 7-9 mm. The body slowly shapes and his or her nipple follicles, hair, tongue, and eyelids starts forming already. The toes and elbows also starts to be evident. The hand plate begins to exist. About sex? You don't have to worry at all, it's fine! because you can do this even when you're pregnant and your libido or sexual urge intensifies. Just enjoy the company of your husband and let him know of your feelings so he would understand you as well.